Sales of Negro Leagues Baseball coins start without a hitch

Sales of the 2022 Negro Leagues Baseball commemorative coins began Jan. 6 at the U.S. Mint, with few if any problems reported by Mint customers.

None of the three limited-edition products reached the “No Longer Available” status during the first hours of the sales, as has happened to some previous product launches.

The limited-edition products are the three-coin Proof set, the Proof silver dollar and Jackie Robinson silver medal set, and the privy-marked Proof 2022-P Negro Leagues Baseball silver dollar.

Introductory pre-sale prices were scheduled to run through 3 p.m. Eastern Time Feb. 7, after which higher regular issue prices would be imposed on remaining product. Household order limits, in effect for the first 24 hours of sales, would afterwards be removed.

The U.S. Mint is scheduled to begin shipping the commemorative coins April 15.

The enabling legislation, Public Law 116-209, provides for the production and release, combined, across all product options, of 50,000 gold $5 coins, 400,000 silver dollars and 750,000 copper-nickel clad half dollars.

Initial sales for the gold coins were limited to three per household per product option, subject to being lifted. Prices for numismatic products containing the gold coins are subject to change with movement in the spot price of gold.

Pre-sale prices, followed by regular issue prices (where available) are:

  • Single Proof 2022-W Negro Leagues Baseball gold $5 coin: $674.
  • Single Uncirculated 2022-W Negro Leagues Baseball gold $5 coin: $664.
  • Single Proof 2022-P Negro Leagues Baseball silver dollar: $74, $79.
  • Single Uncirculated 2022-P Negro Leagues Baseball silver dollar: $69, $74.
  • Single Proof 2022-P Negro Leagues Baseball silver dollar with privy mark (20,000-coin limit, one per household): $85.
  • Proof three-coin set (5,000-product limit, one per household): $787.25.
  • Coin and Medal set (one per household): $135.
  • Single Proof 2022-S Negro Leagues Baseball copper-nickel-clad half dollar: $35, $40.
  • ä Single Uncirculated 2022-D Negro Leagues Baseball copper-nickel clad half dollar: $33, $38.

The 2022-W gold coins will be produced at the West Point Mint with the W Mint mark, and the 2022-P silver dollars, at the Philadelphia Mint.

The Proof 2022-S clad half dollar will be struck at the San Francisco Mint and the Uncirculated 2022-D clad half dollar at the Denver Mint.
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