Sales of Shawnee 5-ounce silver bullion stall
- Published: Mar 30, 2016, 10 AM
No 2016 Shawnee National Forest 5-ounce silver bullion coins are recorded as sold by the United States Mint to its authorized purchasers in the past three weeks.
Sales are stalled at 105,000 coins of the initial 120,000 pieces authorized to be made available as bullion strikes. The Mint has established a mintage ceiling of 150,000 coins, with the difference of 30,000 initially reserved for Uncirculated issues bearing the P Mint mark. The bullion coins do not bear a Mint mark.
The U.S. Mint can increase the initial 120,000-coin allotment for the bullion versions, but any coin production shifted to bullion output would reduce production of the Uncirculated coin so that the combined total of Uncirculated and bullion strikes would not exceed 150,000 coins.
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Through March 28, the Mint recorded sales of 15,503 Uncirculated 5-ounce coins, bringing the combined total of the two versions to 120,503 of the maximum possible 150,000 coins.
The bullion and Uncirculated versions of the Shawnee National Forest 5-ounce silver coin are both struck on the same dedicated press at the Philadelphia Mint. Only the Uncirculated version bears the facility's P Mint mark. The same blanks are used to strike both versions, and the Uncirculated version then additionally receives a post-strike finish.
American Eagle silver bullion coins
Sales of 2016 American Eagle silver bullion coins continue to climb, with cumulative calendar-year 2016 sales reaching 14,842,500 coins through March 29. Sales began Jan. 11.
The U.S. Mint's weekly allocation for March 28 was 1 million coins, with a combined 842,500 coins from that total sold March 28 and 29.
The next weekly allocation is April 4. If any coins remain from the March 28 allocation, those coins will be added to the April 4 scheduled allocation.
American Eagle gold bullion coins
A total of 242,500 ounces of American Eagle gold bullion coins have been recorded sold to authorized purchasers through March 29.
Sales reflect:
- 183,000 ounces in 1-ounce $50 face value coins.
- 15,000 ounces in half-ounce $25 coins (30,000 coins).
- 13,000 ounces in quarter-ounce $10 coins (52,000 coins).
- 31,500 ounces in tenth-ounce $5 coins (315,000 coins).
American Buffalo gold bullion coins
The American Buffalo 1-ounce gold $50 bullion coin sales total reached 58,500 coins through March 29.
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